Identifying ideal audiences for website personalization - Webeo


Identifying ideal audiences for website personalization

Rachel Hatton

By, Rachel Hatton
Head of Demand Generation at Webeo

Website personalization has the power to revolutionize your business results through dynamically evolving your website to instantly deliver relevant, enticing content perfectly tailored to the visitor. This approach can take time to establish and implement, as success is crucially linked to the selection of your ideal audience. Identifying which visitors offer your business the most value is essential to ensuring your website personalization strategy yields the desired result. Learn how personalized website experiences can be tailored to different audience types to ensure your business maximizes this innovative online approach.

When strategically planning your website personalization, there are three key audiences you’ll want to consider. Whilst each audience is valuable to your business, they each require different levels of commitment and audience understanding. The audience(s) you select drastically shape your website personalization strategy, helping you identify which department and budget will be most affected, and how you’ll gain the desired return.

  1. Industry segmentation One of the most popular approaches to website personalization is industry segmentation, whereby a different website experience is created for each target sector. This can be as granular as desired, for example, you could create one website experience for all companies in the financial industry or delve deeper into sector specifics and offer different experiences for those in the insurance, commercial and legal banking divisions. This approach is hugely beneficial for organizations who target a larger number of different industries or whose products and services have a wide array of different use cases and benefits. An industry-focused approach to website personalization can target a large number of website visitors with a single customized webpage, by consistently referencing the visitor’s sector-specific pain points and promoting images, content and products that align with industry needs. 81% of B2B buyers said relevance significantly influences their online purchasing decisions and this approach helps deliver the most relevant website experience to your visitors on mass. For organizations new to website personalization, industry segmentation is a great building block, helping trigger an intricate strategy. As a wide number of audience members are targeted without constructing a website experience for each individual, this approach gets your strategy implemented quickly and seamlessly. Additionally, an industry segmentation approach has the power to boost your search engine optimization, as target audience members search for solutions specific to their industry. Your potential buyers don’t want to spend hours browsing- they want to make a well informed, quick decision. Industry segmented personalizations ensure your website ranks highly for your most valuable target audiences, making it easy for the optimum prospects to discover your website.
  2. Key accounts for ABM Whether you already conduct an account-based marketing approach, or you are keen to secure clients with a higher customer lifetime value, personalizing your website to key accounts can significantly increase success. When identifying key accounts or ‘dream clients’ for ABM, you’ll want to ensure every touchpoint they may encounter is appropriately customized to produce a high-quality, memorable end to end journey. As 94% of B2B buyer journeys start online, ensuring your website experience is as equally bespoke as any ABM email, social media message or direct mail campaign is paramount to success. Tailoring your website personalization strategy to align with key accounts from ABM is far more specific than industry segmentation, using individual business names to fuel copy and grab visitor attention. Personalizations for key accounts usually feature the visitor’s business logo, information relating to their location and product offers pertaining to their individual business budget and requirements. These personalizations must be bespoke and take time to create- especially if your team is prospecting to a large list of key ABM accounts. Conducting the research required to deliver an experience so compellingly personalized can’t be done overnight, so you’ll want to be sure each ABM prospect offers your organization an exceptional business opportunity. If successfully executed, however, this approach can produce revolutionary revenue, helping secure larger contracts for high-value clients. Achieving ROI of more than 200%, a well-conducted ABM approach boosted by detailed website personalization can be a business gamechanger- but be sure you’re ready to give this strategy your full commitment.
  3. Customer orientation It’s 70% easier to retain business from a current or previous client than it is to secure business from a newly generated opportunity. This means many organizations are keen to maximize customer lifetime value and encourage continued retention. Website personalization offers a highly effective and inventive way of capturing client attention and prolonging their engagement with your brand. Welcoming clients back onto your website by name, promoting products relating to their previous purchases and offering quick-links to customer-centric pages helps your clients feel truly valued. Never forget that your clients already understand the value of your product and will continue to purchase from you as long as they achieve the desired return; you have everything to gain by offering clients a unique and special experience when they access your website. Client retention is five times cheaper than selling to new leads, and with a website personalization strategy focused on customer experience, this process is also significantly easier. Similar to an ABM audience focus, this approach requires both time and resources, constructing a number of individual personalizations to deliver the full effect. But as with the ABM approach, when executed well, the results of customer-centric website personalization can be exceptional. This approach may also change how you distribute the responsibility of website personalization between departments, should your retention marketing fall under the remit of your customer service team instead of marketing or sales. Which budget would the investments made to secure customer orientated website personalizations come from? Whilst selecting this audience may adjust your approach to website personalization and evolve how you would gain ROI, this approach helps secure one of the most valuable business benefits- growth.
  4. Prioritizing your audience Your website personalization strategy can adhere to any one of these audiences individually or a combination of them all. Equally, you can ease into a website personalization strategy by initially customizing webpages to an individual audience and expanding thereafter to include more. However, it’s important to be mindful of the commitment required to maintain these personalizations and secure consistent results. As new product updates, industry-specific content or key account statuses evolve and change, you’ll need to revisit personalizations and edit where appropriate. The more audiences you offer personalized website experience to, the longer this process will take, so prioritization is important. Whichever audience(s) you choose, identify the customizations most essential to driving business revenue, so when changes must be made, you know where to focus your attention. Question also how often these specific pages may need updating; if a client has a two-year contract with your business, their customized website experience is likely to need less attention than that of a highly-valuable ABM prospect in the consideration process. Select your audiences carefully to ensure a manageable but impactful strategy, and you’ll achieve elite website personalization, perfectly meeting the needs and preferences of valuable website visitors to secure increased revenue results. If you’re keen to start a website personalization strategy or want to gain a deeper understanding of which audience selection would benefit your B2B organization, get in touch with our expert Webeo team. We’re committed to helping businesses all over the world seamlessly deliver highly targeted webpage customizations that revolutionize their results. Webeo is a revolutionary software, evolving the way businesses maximize their website potential to drive conversions and business revenue from new and returning business opportunities. Discover Webeo now.

Let our Conversion Rate Optimization experts help you get started

We’ll run a free personalization audit on your website and provide insight into the audiences you should be personalizing too. We’re obsessed with maximizing our customers conversions and our team of website personalization experts are ready to help you realize serious revenue.

See Webeo live on your site today during a demo with one of our experts.

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