Website personalization examples proven to boost conversion rates


Website personalization examples proven to boost conversion rates

Leila Wallingford

By, Leila Wallingford
Senior Marketing Executive at Webeo

Website personalization is the process of delivering tailored content to website visitors based on their characteristics, behavior, and business firmographics. Personalization has been a core pillar in marketing strategies for years, but what happens when all of your personalized channels guide the prospect to a generic website? Your personalized efforts are spoiled! In fact, 74% of buyers feel frustrated when visiting a website that doesn’t offer a personalized experience.

Since 63% of digital marketers struggle to deliver tailored experiences to their website audience. I’ve put together some examples of website personalization for businesses that have proven to boost their online presence and uplift conversion rates (because who doesn’t want to generate more leads from their website?)

Arcserve – Company-size website personalization

Arcserve website personalization example

Since a recent merger, Arcserve’s audience expanded to include a new segment that their website hadn’t targeted before: Enterprise businesses. Originally their website content focused on targeting small and medium-sized businesses. Whilst their solution is still the same for their new audience, Arcserve knew Enterprise had very different pain points, and personalization was vital to ensure their solution stood out to this new target market.

By referencing the size of the audience visiting the page in the headline, social proof, and supporting copy, Arcserve was able to reassure Enterprise organizations that they already work with people like them and know exactly how to solve the challenges they face. By providing an engaging and relevant online journey across their site, they increased onsite conversion by 95% in just a few months.

Dotdigital – Industry-based website personalization

Dotdigital website personalization example

Dotdigital know that the MA Platform market is competitive, but they hold an edge over competitors in certain industry verticals. However, their website didn’t reflect this. Although the message came across loud and clear for key industries in their below-the-line activity, their website wasn’t converting enough visitors from their most profitable segments.

Focusing on their most successful industry segments, Dotdigital added simple references to the website visitors industry in their headline, subheading, imagery, and social proof across multiple pages of their site. This resulted in Dotdigital delivering an improved journey across their entire site for each key industry which in turn returned a huge uplift of 174% in conversion.

AdvancedMD – Funnel-stage website personalization

AdvancedMD website personalization example

AdvancedMD serve over 40,000 practitioners and over 850 billing companies, with prospects from multiple stages within their buyer journey visiting the website each day. Before implementing personalization, their most valuable decision-makers were left hunting around the website for the relevant information for their buying stage. AdvancedMD needed to create experiences for their ICP’s who had already shown intent. Making their buying cycle quicker and more effective.

By integrating Webeo with their MA Platform, they were able to create a ‘smart’ list of ICP prospects who had already seen a demo and were further along in the journey than many of their other website visitors. By changing their headline and CTA’s to suit their funnel stage, plus making slight tweaks to supporting copy that resonated with their buying stage, they increased onsite conversion by 39% for that audience.

Website personalization has had a place in B2C marketing for many years now thanks to the likes of Amazon and Netflix. It’s now imperative for B2B to rise to the occasion and deliver a similarly relevant experience through our websites. With lots of data points available, B2B organizations can provide their audience the same level of personalization buyers are used to (and expect!) as consumers. We’ve only touched on a few of the different use cases for B2B website personalization. There are a whole heap of different use cases that every B2B organization can take full advantage of.

Let our Conversion Rate Optimization experts help you get started

We’ll run a free personalization audit on your website and provide insight into the audiences you should be personalizing too. We’re obsessed with maximizing our customers conversions and our team of website personalization experts are ready to help you realize serious revenue.

See Webeo live on your site today during a demo with one of our experts.

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