The downfalls of not AB testing on a B2B website - Webeo


The downfalls of not AB testing on a B2B website

Rachel Holmes

By, Rachel Holmes
Business Development Director at Webeo

As we know, having a strong online presence is critical for any business. A well-designed B2B website is often the first point of contact between future customers and a company. To ensure that your website is not only visually appealing but also highly effective in driving conversion, AB testing is an essential tool. AB testing involves comparing two or more versions of a web page to determine which one performs better. Sadly, many B2B companies overlook the importance of AB testing but at what cost? Let’s explore some of the downfalls of neglecting this powerful optimization process.

Missed Opportunities for Conversion

One of the primary objectives of a B2B website is to convert visitors into leads or customers. Without AB testing, businesses are left in the dark about what truly resonates with their audience. Implementing design changes or altering the layout without validating their impact could lead to missed opportunities for conversion. AB testing provides concrete data on what elements lead to more click-throughs, form submissions, and ultimately, sales.

Inefficient Use of Already Limited Resources

Failing to conduct AB tests can result in a misallocation of resources. When businesses make decisions based on assumptions rather than data-driven insights, they risk investing time, effort, and money into changes that may not deliver the desired results. According to VentureBeat, 80% of businesses reported wasting time and money on initiatives that were not AB tested. By adopting a culture of AB testing, companies can ensure that their resources are used efficiently, focusing on what truly works.

Decreased User Experience

User experience (UX) plays a pivotal role in the success of a B2B website and in a survey by Econsultancy, 74% of businesses agreed that AB testing significantly improves customer experience.  Without AB testing, businesses might inadvertently introduce changes that hinder the overall UX. Even well-intentioned design changes may negatively impact user engagement, leading to higher bounce rates and lower session durations. AB testing allows businesses to refine their website incrementally, optimizing the user experience to keep visitors engaged and satisfied.

Stagnant Website Growth

The digital landscape is continually evolving, and customer preferences can change rapidly. A B2B website that is not regularly AB tested can quickly become stagnant and outdated. Without keeping up with the latest trends and customer preferences, businesses risk falling behind their competitors. AB testing enables businesses to stay relevant, ensuring their website is constantly evolving to meet customer expectations.

Subjective Decision-Making

The absence of AB testing can leave you reliant on intuition and subjective opinions when making website changes. This uncertainty in decision-making can create internal conflicts and slow down the optimization process. AB testing offers a data-driven approach, helping to settle disagreements, and fostering a collaborative environment where teams are aligned on achieving measurable results.

Missed Insights into Audience Behavior

B2B websites often attract visitors from diverse industries, locations & job roles. Each audience segment may respond differently to messaging & CTA’s. Not conducting AB tests means losing out on valuable insights into audience behavior and preferences. By identifying how different segments interact with the website, businesses can tailor their content and offerings to better meet specific needs. At this stage you should be thinking about website personalization to put that insight into practice – your conversions will sky rocket!

Neglecting AB testing on a B2B website can have costly consequences. From missed conversion opportunities to inefficient resource allocation and stagnant growth, B2B brands that fail to adopt a culture of continuous optimization risk falling behind their competitors. AB testing empowers companies to make informed decisions, refine their user experience, and stay relevant in a rapidly changing digital landscape. Companies that prioritize AB testing experience higher revenue growth. Research conducted by Econsultancy revealed that businesses using AB testing see 30% higher revenue per visitor on average compared to those that don’t.

By recognizing the value of AB testing, B2B businesses can unlock the full potential of their website and ultimately achieve their online objectives.

Let our Conversion Rate Optimization experts help you get started

We’ll run a free personalization audit on your website and provide insight into the audiences you should be personalizing too. We’re obsessed with maximizing our customers conversions and our team of website personalization experts are ready to help you realize serious revenue.

See Webeo live on your site today during a demo with one of our experts.

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