Why mass personalization is the future of marketing - Webeo


Why mass personalization is the future of marketing

Rachel Hatton

By, Rachel Hatton
Head of Demand Generation at Webeo

“One-size-fits-all doesn’t fit anymore.” — Industry Week

We are in an era of personalization. And, it’s changing the way customers engage with brands. With hordes of data at our fingertips, and an increase in the importance of customer experience, it has never been more crucial to prioritize personalization. Putting the preferences of your customers and potential buyers at the core of your strategy makes perfect sense when you think about it — after all, they’re the ones making the purchase. In the B2C world, individualized experiences are the norm. Think about your favorite consumer brands. More often than not, their marketing communications are tailored to you — with personalized greetings, bespoke offers and customized calls to actions, it’s no wonder you’re always coming back for more. The B2B world, however, has fallen behind the curve when it comes to mass personalization.

What is mass personalization?

Mass personalization, by definition, is the act of creating highly-personalized digital experiences for specific audiences based on a set of criteria. Usually, this will be through the use of a segmentation model, which helps businesses split their customer base for effective targeting. For B2B organizations in particular, targeting individuals can be extremely difficult. But, by identifying similarities and differences within your audiences, it is possible to develop bespoke experiences that meet the needs of a group, industry or demographic. B2B organizations tend to provide multiple products or services that span several industries and sectors — this is where dynamic website personalization as part of an effective personalization strategy comes in. Mass personalization enables organizations to build better relationships, improve customer experience and target decision-makers from numerous types of businesses.

Mass personalization in today’s marketing

Evergage found that almost 90% of U.S. marketers observed measurable improvements thanks to personalization. With increased relevance comes increased likelihood to convert — skyrocketing your measurable results and enhancing your customers’ overall experiences. From effective product recommendation to tailored calls to action, each audience segment can experience the perfect website based on their own preferences. Already, personalized content plays such a big role in brand success. According to InstaPage, a lack of content relevancy generates 83% lower response rates in the average marketing campaign. And, 63% of consumers said they’d think more positively of a brand if it gave them valuable, interesting or relevant content. Utilizing leading technology and high-quality data will help future proof your organization as the demand for online personalization continues to grow.

Mass personalization over mass marketing

Mass marketing is out, and mass personalization is in. Traditionally, marketers would view their audiences as one mass group, delivering the same experience across the board. When there were fewer options and less access to data, this was feasible. However, as accessing data, insight and opinion from customers becomes easier and easier, so does bespoke, tailored marketing. In fact, according to SmarterHQ, 90% of consumers are willing to share behavioral data if it provides benefits — like a cheaper or easier shopping experience. So, there is little excuse for a one-size-fits-all marketing approach. Consider implementing multiple marketing strategies to cater for different audiences, and ensure you’re marketing content is channel appropriate. Use personalized email campaigns, highly-relevant social media content and targeted adverts to drive your target audience to a personalized website.

Customers personalization expectations

Bespoke experiences are not simply a desire for buyers — they are an expectation. Retail Touchpoints found that more than a third of consumers think brands should offer more personalization in their marketing; according to SmarterHQ, 70% of millennials are frustrated with brands sending irrelevant marketing materials, and Segment discovered that 71% of consumers are frustrated by impersonal shopping experiences. So, to ensure your organization is providing the best customer experience, highest levels of relevance and enticing customers to convert, then you need to incorporate a mass individualization strategy into your existing plans. But, don’t just personalize for the sake of it! Ensure the data you use serves a purpose — with each bespoke element or communication working to improve CX.

The future today

According to Evergage, 92% of marketers reported using personalized approaches in their marketing, but more than half don’t feel they have sufficient data to implement it effectively. That’s where personalization software plays a crucial role in creating the ultimate in individualized experiences. For the most effective results, bespoke experiences need to happen in real-time. And, for that to work, marketers need access to accurate data and the best quality personalized marketing tools. Email Monday found that 75% of marketers are currently using automation tools in their strategy. And, almost half of marketers say that marketing automation is one of the 4 most popular methods for creating personalized customer experiences according to House of MarketingWebeo, for example is a tool that enables users to conduct mass personalization — creating bespoke experiences in real-time, with the chance to segment by industry, sector, or even specific business.

Webeo is a leading website personalization software, helping businesses transform their static B2B websites into personalized online experiences. Using a global leading database of business IP addresses, Webeo creates bespoke website experiences based on the business visiting your site. Optimizing relevant content, engaging imagery and language that resonates with your potential customer, the software ensures your website is perfect for every user, every time. See your CRO soar, benefit from a reduced bounce rate and reap the rewards of improved SEO. Enhance customer experience, create brand loyalty and engage every potential ⁠buyer — from first-time visitors to existing customers. Discover the power of website personalization and book your free demonstration today.

Let our Conversion Rate Optimization experts help you get started

We’ll run a free personalization audit on your website and provide insight into the audiences you should be personalizing too. We’re obsessed with maximizing our customers conversions and our team of website personalization experts are ready to help you realize serious revenue.

See Webeo live on your site today during a demo with one of our experts.

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