Temenos achieve 125% uplift in onsite conversion through location based personalization - Webeo

Temenos achieve 125% uplift in onsite conversion through location based personalization

Temenos specialize in Enterprise software for banks and financial service businesses. Their passion for making banking better drives them to be the banking platform for all kinds of players in the industry – for large and small banks, for non-banks and fintechs, for partners and developers, for everyone.
They host a number of events each year across the world to share knowledge and trends within the industry, with all event information hosted on the website.


Increase in onsite conversion


Additional conversions generated

The Challenge

With multiple events being promoted at once, Temenos relied on their website visitors to find the most relevant event for them and then sign up. They were tracking high engagement off the website so knew they needed to keep their prospects engaged enough to sign up as soon as they landed on-site.

Drive event signs ups

The goal was simple, to drive additional sign ups to events by bringing the most relevant event to the homepage for each unique visitor.

Our Solution

Temenos knew to generate the best result, they needed to build a campaign for each event, starting with their Regional Forum event which was coming up in Miami.

Before building the experience they created an audience specifically for the Regional Forum event. To qualify for the campaign, the visitor must land on their site from a LinkedIn referral link, must be located in North America or South America, and their industry must equal Financial Services or Banking.

Personalization in action

The campaign was a simple 3 page experience – homepage, event page and contact us page.


This achieved two things:


It created a seamless journey from LinkedIn through to the website, targeting visitors Temenos already knew had an interest in the Regional Forum event


It removed pages that hadn’t been personalized from the main navigation so visitors remained within a personalized experience

Non-personalized version

Personalized version

Temenos Personalized Homepage

Event information pulled into the headline, continuing the same messaging from LinkedIn through to the website

Headline also includes industry tag, pulled from Webeo’s IP database

Call to action updated from Explore Now to Discover Now to lean into the consultative nature of the Regional Forum event – encouraging visitors to sign up

Top navigation menu was hidden so visitors couldn’t navigate away from relevant information and remained within a personalized experience

The result

Temenos ran an AB test so they could get a clear view of how successful the personalized experience was vs non personalized. The test quickly proved that the personalized experience delivered an increase in conversion of 125%.

In just 10 days the personalized experiences had generated 31 conversions versus 14 for non personalized, and went on to generate a further 115 conversions once switched to 100%.


Increase in onsite conversion


Additional conversions generated

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Conversion Rate

Average time on site

Bounce Rate